Well boys, they did it. If you take one look on any 1943 social media you’ll see of amazing stories talking about everyone’s experiences in the game over the years.

My Battlefield 1943 Origin Story

For me, it started out as a beta tester on PS3 around Christmas time one year. The game was just wake island and everyone was so good I would rage quit often. Keep in mind, I was like 11?

I eventually got a little better the years following, but then ps4 came out, and I couldn’t play any more unless I dusted off the old rig. People got better and I just sucked.

Fast forward to after college, I got an Xbox since there was rumors of backwards compatibility. I got 43, and immediately fell back in love, surprisingly way better at the game thanks to an old high school friend helping me with some tricks.

Next came the big shutdown of 2019 where they half killed the servers for stats and air superiority. I worked to band the community together and revive the broken parts by spamming tickets to EA. After tons of complaints things changed.

I went on to make bf1943.org with my skills I’ve picked up over the years, and then partnered up with various 43 communities, along with founding the discord server and taking over this reddit page.

I went on to get the max rank, and finally refined my plane skills to the level I was taking on all the Xbox legends and at the least shooting them down most of the time. I also got great at tanks and speed wrenching.

Even messed around with ghost boating with some friends a few times just for laughs, never for the advantage. I also loved the glitchy bounce that theJapanese jeep would do on Guadalcanal… Good times

My last game was the day prior, I hopped on for one great match against many competitors and friends, despite months of rustiness I still came in third place, not too bad! I tried to get on the last day, but found out I was 15 minutes too late and was already getting messages from friends.

Everyone – it was a wild ride and memories of this game will live on forever. I encourage you to make sure your clips are on YouTube so we never forget this was one of the last great FPS games EA put out.

What’s next now that the game is gone? Is there anything I can do?

One last thing, this isn’t the end. Most of us are adults, and most of us are talented. Let’s make a free to play game and let’s make it right where they can’t cry that we stole their assets. Call it something where we know the origins, but they can’t fight it. If you know how to code, especially in the game development realm please reach out and ping @bryantdl7 on our discord https://bf1943.org/discord

Let’s get the new battle field opened up, and move on from battlefield. We CAN bring it back better than ever.

Categories: Announcements


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