The Purpose of

Unifying The Communities

Many Battlefield 1943 communities are spread apart with little presence outside of social media, this website aims to change that. The more people actively involved in the game guarantees that it continues to live on for many years to come

Centralized Communication

Nobody likes having to check a handful of different sites to find out information on events, having a single stop for all the information makes everyone’s lives easier

Strength in Numbers

We’ve all experienced a game-breaking bug in the game, whether its the leader boards crashing for months at a time, or the Air Superiority game mode vanishing. By having an organized community, we can be more noticed by EA’s tech support as opposed to a handful of people putting in tickets here and there.


This website was created to solve the problem of many split up communities in various locations. By adding a more modern approach along with some fancy graphics, we can help the Battlefield 1943 community continue to grow into the foreseeable future.

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